本公司代理各式村屋、 複式洋房之租售。位置佳, 有風光明媚的海景, 也有翠綠園林的山景, 環境優美。
物業地產 / 地產代理公司輝煌地產代理公司

工廈平售, 樓齡約二十七年, 以香港工業區樓宇年齡屬年輕; 二仟多呎兩房辦公室裝俢, 實用率高, 云石大堂, 車場有寬闊貨台,合公司集團自用; 步行至火炭火車站不需十分鐘, 交通方便; 管理費低廉, 收租回報高, 投資物業首選.

$200 已包括膽固醇、腎功能、大腸癌及肝功能等等51項全身檢驗,總值$1,980架!錫自己多D,錫屋企人多D,做返個Body Check啦
健康及醫療 / 身體檢查宇宙健康顧問有限公司

Petsit Singapore Services offered by Petsit Singapore • Daily Pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you’re on holiday or out of town on business trips • Taking y
P寵物 / 獸醫PETSIT

N1 AUTO MECHANIC提供專業美容、電腦洗車、汽車買賣、汽車配件、車呔、電池等服務

Oil/Acrylic Painting Class, Art Jamming, Gallery etc

The owner, Mr Victor Choi, is both a scholar and impassioned collector. With 25 years in business, his know-how and expertise goes beyond the purely theoretical. He owns two galleries on Hollywood Ro

We specialize in small batch special vehicles (e.g. tank truck, mixing truck, garbage truck, sanitation truck, sewage trucks, flatbed truck, freezer truck etc.)

Thus, we can provide a wide range of baby products. In particular, we specialized in making gift sets containing soft and hard goods.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾盈豐嬰兒用品有限公司

Learning to kiteboard without official instruction is not advisable and can lead to injury or death to yourself and others VIDEO CLIP

本公司成立於2005年,是一間專業之零售及批發禮品公司,本公司之業務範圍包括: 婚禮及婚宴回禮禮品 婚禮及宴會用品 季節及節日性禮物 派對禮品及用品 宴會及晚宴禮品 答謝禮物 生日禮物 初生賀禮 公司用品及禮品 客戶禮品及精品 禮品、飾品及用品包裝等…… 本公司致力為客戶提供最高品質之禮品及用品。 Hotline熱線電話: (852) 8202 6934 [中午12:

The most enchanting travel and holiday destination in the whole world” is what most travel magazines praise about Bali. You will be amazed by how romantic your Bali wedding dream to be made com
C結婚 / 海外婚禮Chee's Wedding
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